Customizing Registration Fields for Your JoinLive Webinar

JoinLive offers extensive flexibility in customizing registration fields to tailor your webinar registration form according to your specific requirements.

Visit JoinLive's website and log in to your account using your credentials.

Once logged in, navigate to the Registration section.

Within the Registration settings, locate the option to add a new question to the registration form.

Click on "New Question" to initiate the process of adding a new registration field.

Select Preset Questions:

JoinLive offers preset questions that you can easily insert into the registration form. Some commonly used preset questions include:

      • Prefix
      • Address
      • Gender
      • Phone
      • Website
      • Organization
      • Date

Customize Fields in Different Formats:

Apart from preset questions, you can also add customized fields in various formats to the registration form. These include:

      • Large text box
      • Small text box
      • Radio button
      • Checkbox
      • Dropdown menu

Create Sectionized Form Fields:

To organize your registration form more effectively, you can create sections for grouping related fields together.

Add section headings to categorize fields and improve the overall registration form layout.

Additionally, you can configure registration settings such as the registration start and end dates, as well as the maximum webinar capacity allowed for participants.

After customizing the registration fields and settings according to your preferences, don't forget to click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can easily create a customized registration form for your JoinLive webinar, ensuring that you collect the necessary information from participants efficiently. If you encounter any issues or have questions while customizing registration fields, feel free to reach out to JoinLive's support team for assistance.